Dry Cleaning Services For Your Employees Uniforms

Employee uniforms will build brand awareness and provide each of your workers with the polished appearance that you would like them to convey to your customers. A dry cleaning delivery service offers a convenient way for you to care for all of your workers' uniforms. 

Offer Convenience And Encourage Accountability

A dry cleaning service will offer your employees a convenient way to have their clothing laundered. If you are currently requiring your employees to care for their garments themselves, there may be occasions in which someone does not clean their clothing in a timely manner.

This could affect the image that you would like your employees to present to your clientele. A dry cleaning service will prompt your employees to be accountable. If they would like the privilege of having their garments laundered by an outside source, they will need to make an effort to have all of their clothing bagged and ready to be picked up by a dry cleaning attendant. 

Follow The Proper Procedures

A dry-cleaning business may offer a drop-off service and a pick-up service. If you want to ensure that your employees will receive their garments back at the same time, make an appointment to have everything picked up from your place of business. You may be responsible for furnishing important details about a particular fabric or cleaning preference.

For instance, if stains on uniforms have been persistent in the past, a dry cleaning agent may need to know about the type of substances that typically soil clothing. This may indicate that a particular chemical cleaning process will need to be used to restore the clothing back to its original state. The name of each of your employees may need to be provided too.

A tagging system is often utilized at a dry-cleaning establishment. Tags will be used to mark the clothing bags that a customer's items are placed inside of. If you are going to have the uniforms delivered to your place of business, get in the habit of having the clothing picked up and dropped off at the same time each week.

Request service times when your place of business will be open. Since all of your employees will likely not be working at the same time, you should invest in a rack. A dry cleaner may furnish hangers that will allow you to hang the uniforms from the rack. Your employees can pick up their clean uniforms when they are scheduled to work.

About Me

cleaning service for deep cleanings weekly

I have four kids that I have to take care of every single day. I love being a mother, but I don't enjoy trying to keep up with all of the housework that comes with these kids. If you add the two dogs into the mess, the time that I spent cleaning up after the creatures living in my home was more than I actually spent sleeping each week. I hired a cleaning service to come once every week to do the deep cleaning that I just couldn't get to. There are so many services that these companies offer that I wasn't aware of. Read on to find out what services your cleaning company could perform for you to give you more free time to enjoy.