Trauma Scene Clean-Up | A Unique Side Hustle Opportunity

Looking for a side hustle that is different from the usual options out there? How about getting into trauma scene clean-up? While it may not be for everyone, there is a demand for this service, and it can be a lucrative option for those with a strong stomach. Here's a closer look at what you need to know about trauma scene clean-up.

What Is a Trauma Scene?

A trauma scene typically refers to a location where a violent or traumatic event occurs, including suicide, homicide, accidental deaths, or any incident involving a lot of blood or bodily fluids. These scenes require specialized cleaning to remove all traces of blood, bodily fluids, and other potential hazards.

Who Cleans Up a Trauma Scene?

Trauma scene clean-up is a job that requires specialized training and skills. While family or friends may be tempted to try and clean up after a trauma, it can be emotional, and it is highly recommended to use professional services instead.

In most cases, the cost of trauma scene clean-up is paid by the property owner or their insurance company. While it may seem expensive, the cost is often well worth it for family members when you consider the emotional toll combined with the need to ensure that all contaminants are properly removed.

There are federal agencies that can help pay the bill for victims and their families, as well as church groups that focus on this type of assistance.

What Experience Do You Need for Trauma Scene Clean-Up?

If you are looking to start a side hustle and trauma scene clean-up sounds like interesting work, inquire about training. While there isn't necessarily a specific educational requirement for trauma scene clean-up, it does require specialized training. This training covers proper cleaning techniques, safety protocols, and handling biohazards like blood. In addition, many companies that offer trauma scene clean-up training will also teach you how to properly dispose of this hazardous waste as well.

Trauma scene clean-up may not be for everyone, but for those who have a strong stomach and an interest in helping others, it could be a great side hustle opportunity. With the potential to earn a decent income, this line of work can be financially and emotionally rewarding. By following safety protocols and being available when needed, you can establish yourself in this unique industry and help provide valuable trauma scene clean-up service to those who need it most.

For more info about trauma scene clean-up services, contact a local company. 

About Me

cleaning service for deep cleanings weekly

I have four kids that I have to take care of every single day. I love being a mother, but I don't enjoy trying to keep up with all of the housework that comes with these kids. If you add the two dogs into the mess, the time that I spent cleaning up after the creatures living in my home was more than I actually spent sleeping each week. I hired a cleaning service to come once every week to do the deep cleaning that I just couldn't get to. There are so many services that these companies offer that I wasn't aware of. Read on to find out what services your cleaning company could perform for you to give you more free time to enjoy.